Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Summer of Love

Click on the play button for a some tunes!

Well, now it is merely summer break and boy am I sick of school. This Chemistry class really took it out of me. We covered 10 chapters in 3 weeks and if I hear anything else related to chemistry ill puke. not really, that would be gross then I would have to clean it up. and who want to clean up puke? not me. Today I have a job interview as a shift leader at Back yard Burgers. I never thought I would work at Back Yard Burgers but I can not find a job and they call me at home. I am still kinda hoping for a dishwashing position with this mexican restaurant near my house .

I have a couple more tests this week then I have the weekend to not do anything at all.

Next Tuesday I will be leaving for the Wakarusa Festival. For the last couple months I have been promoting this festival at a couple of locations around Nashville (i.e. putting up posters, handing out flyers, spreading the word, e.c.t) Well, the promotion company has awarded me a free ticket and camping pass to the festival's events. check it out at it is in mountain view, arkasas on the top of a mountain. there is camping, fishing, music, hiking, and kiyaking, its gonna be incredible. plus they are having a party sat night between some of the shows and giving us all free beer. there aint no beer like ice cold free beer. Kevin and I are taking his ride out there. THEN, when we get back that next monday or tues, Rebecca and I are going camping/hiking/fishing with James and Brooke and bringing Kevin along with us! Man, almost 2 weeks worth of camping/fishing/hiking. THat will be a nice vacation.

Well, I know I have cut this short but trust me, there will a lonnnng one after I get back form these trips. I tell all about each trip. yeah,yeah, i know you are soooo excited to read my posts. well congradulations. be good. peace

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Well, I am having a great deal of trouble finding a job. Every morning I get up and start my day off new. I chase after new offers, follow up with courtesy phone calls and even write very kind emails reminding employers that I am, in fact, still interested in employment. I will continue to search for a job all summer and through the end of the year. I have now been looking for a job full time for coming on 7 months. I have been studying for the last two semesters and now I am in a 3 week chemistry class, that is, a test every 3-4 days and a lab everyday. Hi-octane stuff that chemistry class is.
Im burnt. I need to get out of this city, I need to get away from my studies, I need a job. I have been stuck in this house for a year now, everyday almost studying and working on my computer and coursework. I need to get out of this box for a while. I might just have the ability.
I have the entire month of June available for whatever. I go back to school on July 6th through August 7th. Then I start back to school the 29th. So I need to get away before I go back.

I have been working on the side, promoting a large festival in Arkansas and I might just get a free ticket out of it. I am gonna try to put a little cash aside for food and gas and Kevin and I will go to that festival. Then we come back and some friends are coming in town the next day and we are all going camping for about 3 days at Fall Creek Falls. (bout 1 hour south of here in the cumberland) It is the perfect opportunity to not spend money and get a qusi-vacation out of it. I plan to sell my chemistry book back at the end of this semester to get my food money for the trip. Then, I have a trip set up with Dad to go out to LA from July 3-6, that will be my last bit of vacation-away-time before it is back to the books and slam dunk another couple semesters.

PLUS, I get married in October so after that it will be all us, no mo just me. Man I can not wait. Rebecca is what makes my life complete. She makes me the happiest person in the world and all i ever want to do is just be by her side. Shes the best. We can not wait to get married and move in together. THATS WHAT WE WANT, to move in together. It is all we are talking about. Well, im done here for a while.

M&M's make my poop smell funny.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Job Hunting

Well, I have been looking for a job for a while now and having quite a hard time finding a job. I put applications in everywhere I see an opening. I follow up on applications and use all the correct techniques to land a job. I am receiving unemployment insurance from the state of Tennessee which pays the bills and gives me minimal solutions in the way of gas, food, and misc expenses. If my unemployment insurance is discontinued I really do not have a back up plan. Any suggestions?

I have never really been unemployed since I was 16 years old. I think I am very hard working individual and strive to do quality work and receive a honest day's wage for a honest day's work. That is really how I see my employment.

I really miss working on the construction sites and working with the men on site. It always provided a great satisfaction at the end of the day and I enjoy the work. I think many people are in construction for the money but I really enjoy the environment and business. The older I get the more I have begun to appreciate the business even more. I continue to learn a lot about the construction industry in my classes and that is also making it harder to not be employed in the work I'm studying.

Ill continue to search for that job that will take me into tomorrow, until then I will stay studying, staying healthy, and trying my best to keep my head above water.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I guess I was born yesterday

I can not tell you what to read, watch, or listen to anymore with the distinct feeling that everything is bullcrap. The same people that bring me the news every evening bring me news about American Idol. I can not really agree that anything that happens on these "reality" tv shows has anything to do with news. Are you gonna tell me that none of that crap is not rigged, plus it requires too much attention from the american people. You want reality tv, turn off the tv and go outside. Life is NOT tv, life is the best reality show.

Do we really need a ten minute speech from the weather person about something that has not happened yet and they are not really all that sure about happening either. The weather is a prediction, it has nothing to do with what the weather will really do the next day. Some computer program in a stupid box of transistors and wires spit out a simple if not confusing equation of numbers that gives that weather person some "entitlement" to tell the brainwashed drones of this country what the weather will do. DO you realize they give you an exact temperature and rain percent every day? BULLCRAP. simple enough right? Just like the economy none of these people who said anything about what the economy is gonna do has ANY idea. The last time any of these 'experts' went through a depression they might, might have been 10 years old, no older. So they really dont know WHAT will happen. Plus, just like Bob Dylan sings about, these times-they are a changin'. So even if you have done all your homework on what happen during the last economic downturn, that doesn't mean you can get on the mic and spit out whatever you want about what you 'think" is gonna happen, cause the truth is you dont flippin know. They all say "its gonna get worse before it gets better", that sounds like they just dont want to be wrong. Geeze. Give it up.
I am not trying to come off as ranting, thats not what Im doing. I am really trying to give anyone reading this a blimp of light in the direction that if you are really watching all that tv, reading all that crap on the interenet, and listening to all those radio stations and reiterating ANY of it to your little friends and family, I can only hope you understand that all those corporations and companies have either political, social, or monetary influence in one direction or another. Beeee sure to understand who you are getting your info from before you go spouting it off as your own.
I watch the news and listen to the radio and believe what they tell me, I must admit that also; but we as a growing community of christians, leaders, and families but begin to agree that there are powerful forces in this country that have (over the last 50 years) begun to influence all areas of our lives for their own agenda. getting into a different type of blog, so Ill change the subject. before I do though, i must say that I am not a paranoid or skeptical citizen of (in my opinion) the greatest country in the world, I love my country and the people in it am can only provide my conclusions on observations that I can not control. Agree with me or not, but I am telling you to turn the tv off and find a hobby. peace im out. till next time, yall take care of one another.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First of many

Well, I glad you've decided to visit my blog. I will update this whenever possible so feel free to read any time. I just finished my second semester at MTSU where Im studying for a BS in construction management. It is going well, right now im just trying to knock out a bunch of classes before I get married. This last semester I made really good grades, semester before that was the same. Im looking for a job currently with small leads here and there. Looking for a job in today's economy is hard. Every job interview or job application I fill out is really just put into a pile about 3 inches tall. From there I guess they roll dice or draw a lottery because I have not had a job since December. This is the first time in my life where I have not been employed. I miss working, I miss the construction sites, and I miss the hard days work for honest pay feel at the end of the day. I know God will get me through this and he has a plan.

You like the picture of Jill and I? We took that in Huntington Beach, California last summer during one of my visits. I have plans to return there this July 4.

I have cool summer planned out. Ill finish my summer school in about 3 weeks at the end of May. Then Im driving to Memphis to throw the first pitch at a Memphis Redbird's baseball game. From there my friend Kevin will pick me up in Memphis where we will drive to Mountain View, Arkansas for the annual Wakarusa Camping, Music, Fishing, and outdoor festival. check it out at When we get back from that then Rebecca and I and a married couple are going camping and fishing at Fall Creek Falls, a large area of Tennessee's National Park. I will spend the rest of June trying to make some money with my buddy Shane doing some lawn service work.
As I mentioned, in early July i will be traveling to California to visit Dad, Siguta, and Matthew for a few days. The rest of THAT month will probably be devoted to camping, hiking, and doing some lawn service work. Well, I hope you have enjoyed my first post. more to come...