Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tell me something interesting, because I am bored as shit

Are you bored with life? Decided you are no longer satisfied with the way you live your life, or even the way you love you life? Are you satisfied by the way you love your life? Do you love your life? Maybe you just like it, not really loving the life you live. Why do you not love your life, or maybe just really really enjoy your life?  Do you really want to spend the rest of your life not enjoying what you do best, to live? Is there something that you do that you don't like? Are there habits you have that you don't enjoy? Pornography? Smoking? Stealing? Killing? Hate? Boredom? Are you bored with your life and you don't know what to do about it. Boredom is as real as stress. Can you go get me a bucket of stress? boredom? so it real? probably not. it is simply something you( or we) created to satisfy a real you have nothing to do or have a want to do anything. Laziness. Why would this term be negative? It may not be in the way you are thinking. It is the laziness of the mind that will produce boredom or "laziness". If you can continue to be stimulated, entertained, bored, upset, excited, sad, happy, lonesome or occupied...then you are fine..right? But what about when you are not entertained? Why do you feel the need to always be DOING, watching tv, talking, sleeping, is because you want to. Relax. There is no reason to look negatively at what you are doing or have done.

If you do not like something in your life, change it. If you have people in your life that make you sad or upset, leave them. Why do you think you are bored? Because you are not constantly stimulated like you usually are. Relax, it is ok to sit there and stare at the wall, out the window, or at a leaf. Just let time pass without your body following your attention being brought to the next subject. Stop being bored, continue feeling like you have nothing to do sometimes. And that is ok.

People are becoming more and more distracted and filled with illusions from their distractions. If you can simpify your outlook and gaze your attention ahead on whats next, you can do anything. Forget about feeling bad for something you may not be doing and something you should be doing. When you feel like doing something, you will do it. Most of those thoughts about doing something else or not doing what you want and feel like doing at the moment is just distracting you. Relax

You may be more bored with life than you think. Your body knows how bored you are. Listen to your body and what it wants. Listen to your true self. You can tell yourself, "I have everything" or "Everything is great". But listen up, nothing is great on this planet..except nature, and you are a natural being. Trying to become supernatural or artificial will only cause you to loose focus or the ability to relax and enjoy your life. Enjoying all the things you do and trying to consider the positive side of your existence is a good idea, not a law or rule. So you can say "I hate this" or "But I really dont like this about that". My answer, why do you have that view and for what reason do you think you want to hate or dislike that part of your life. It may not be anything but some opinion you formed of a situation or person a LONG time ago and now that hate or dsilike for the situation or person has followed you for days, months, even years.

Try to reconsider your dislikes in life. I bet if you can make light of them and enjoy those areas of your life, you overall health and well being in life will improve.

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